On Mission for Jesus

Read Together: Acts 26

In Acts 26, Paul stands in chains before a governor and a king and declares the truth about Jesus. In his speech, we see confirmed the words of Jesus in Matthew 10, and we continue to learn about how to stand firmly for Jesus in the face of opposition. Paul describes the mission given to him by Jesus and is a prime example of gracious and bold witness before unbelievers.

Paul begins by telling King Agrippa his testimony: he who once opposed Jesus has now been changed and given a mission from Jesus. This mission is to proclaim Christ crucified and risen from the dead, the source of forgiveness, light, and life and to call all to repent and believe in him. Once he encountered Jesus, Paul did not go on mission begrudgingly but joyfully. We see here in Acts 26 that Paul carried out this mission with a deep desire for people to come to know Jesus for themselves (v. 29).

Now, Paul stands before some of the most powerful men of that time. But he does not shrink back in fear. His testimony before King Agrippa demonstrates both boldness and a careful respect. He does not go about bashing and accusing the king, but he does not flatter either. He boldly asks the king if he believes the prophets, and the king sees that Paul is seeking to lead him to become a Christian (v. 28).

While Paul’s mission was unique in many respects, his mission shares the same foundation as the mission Christ has given all of his people. We who once opposed Jesus are now sent by him to call others to repent and believe in him. By our life and our lips, we are to bear witness to Jesus in the world, come what may. We must be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within us, doing so with both boldness and gentleness and respect (1 Pet 3:15).

Discussion Questions

  1. How does Paul describe the mission Jesus had given him?
  2. What is the tone of Paul’s speech? What does this teach us about how we should go about sharing Christ with others?
  3. Do you see yourself on mission for Jesus? What are some ways you can live on mission for Jesus this week, even if it may bring opposition?

Ideas for Younger Kids

  • Read “Paul, Purple Goods, and a Prison Quake” in The Biggest Story Bible Storybook (pages 476–79). Talk with your kids about Paul’s mission and the opposition he faced and how that relates to how we live for Jesus today.

Memorization: “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” (1 Pet 3:15)

Song: Listen to “May the Mind of Christ My Savior” (performed by Norton Hall Band). A prayer for those on mission: “May his beauty rest upon me as I seek the lost to win, and may they forget the channel, seeing only him.”

Pray Together

  • Praise God for his work of bringing us from darkness into the light through Jesus.
  • Confess before God that we are tempted to shirk our mission from Jesus out of fear, anxiety, and lack of faith.
  • Give thanks to God that he meets us in our weakness and gives us strength for this mission through his Spirit.  
  • Pray that God would give us boldness and wisdom in seeking to share Christ with others and as we seek to serve him this week.

Go Together

  • Revisit Question #3 above: What are some ways you can live on mission for Jesus this week, even if it may bring opposition? Discuss together some practical ways you can live on mission in your spheres of family, work, community, church ministries, and so on, and commit to one specific thing or practice you can do this week to live on mission for Jesus.

Artwork: Vasily Surikov, The Apostle Paul Explains the Tenets of His Faith in the Presence of King Agrippa, his Sister Veronica, and Proconsul Festus, 1875, Common Domain. Link: Wikipedia.

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